This devotion first aired on the MAD Christian Radio Show
Many people find themselves in this place and if that’s you, I’m here to tell you there is another way. A way out of the isolation that feels inescapable. A way that I found, I hope I’ve been given, who can be your way out of the darkness and your hope even in the most hopeless circumstances: His name is Jesus.
Jesus moved heaven and earth to come down to this earth, to save us from our sins yes, but also to be our light in the darkness and the One who would always be with us.
Jesus promises us in Matthew 28:20, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” The key word here is “always.” He doesn’t just show up for the big moments or the easy times. He is not a fair weather friend. He’s the kind of friend who doesn’t just show up when you are struggling, He never leaves.
He is there when you feel like the world is closing in. He is there when you feel like giving up. He is there when you feel so alone it’s frightening. He is there when you get the diagnosis that changes everything. He is there and He promises to never leave. As we are told in Hebrews:
“I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)
I Have Seen This To Be True
I have seen this to be true in the depths of desperation. I have seen this to be true while on a stretcher being rolled in for emergency surgery. I have seen this to be true with an empty bank account. I have seen this to be true at a loved ones death bed. I have seen this to be true over and over and over again. Following Jesus doesn’t remove us from our problems or deliver us a pain free existence. Following Jesus does mean we never experience even one thing alone and that gift changes everything.
You don’t need to walk through this life alone. Instead you can have the light of the world there with you, every moment of every day. You don’t need to earn His presence beside you, it is a gift there for the taking because your creator loves you too much to leave you alone, away from Him. So don’t keep him at arms length any longer. Invite Him in. It goes like this, picking up in Romans.
“If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved… For “Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.” Romans 10:9-10,13
Everyone. That means you too. So invite Him in by believing and declaring and be prepared to watch your life change for the better as His presence goes with you every day.
In His Presence
In His presence, the loneliness begins to fade, not because the world has changed, but because you have encountered the living God. Jesus doesn’t just fill the empty space; He transforms it with His presence. Jesus doesn’t offer to only share the burden of your trials; but take it on His shoulders alone. As we are instructed in 1 Peter:
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)
The weight of your burdens becomes lighter as you realize you are never carrying them alone. His strength becomes your strength, His wisdom your guide.
The Difference He Makes
The difference is profound. Where once you may have struggled to find meaning, now there is purpose. Where there was despair, now there is hope. Where you once walked in darkness, you now walk in the light of His presence.
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5)
So, if you find yourself standing at the edge of loneliness, looking into the vast emptiness, remember that Jesus is offering His hand to pull you out. You don’t have to be alone—not now, not ever. Invite Him in, and watch the difference His presence makes. The void will no longer define you, instead His love will.