Divided We Stand
Abraham Lincoln once said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” President Lincoln was a very intelligent and God fearing man. You could tell from that line alone he read the book of Mark.
In the last few months in the Christian music industry I have seen a lot of division and attacks by people in the industry against others in the industry and even attacking those on the outside.
Division is never good especially for what the overall goal of the Christian Music industry is, more specifically the Christian Rock community.
Divided We Stand, United We Fall. The enemy knows we are doing great things and is doing everything he can to divide us!
United We Fall
There is a song, from a band by the name of Def Leppard, “When Love and Hate Collide”. The lyrics I want to share is
This rings so true if we continue on our path of attacking one another causing division, we will miss the calling as stated in Mark 16:15, “He said to them, “And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” (ESV).
We Are Greater
We all have a responsibility to uplift, encourage, support and pray for those in the industry and even outside the industry. Will we not see eye to eye at times? Of course. We are human. We are far from perfect. When we work together as the body of Christ we can do great things for Him! Does He need us? No, but does He want us? Yes. He wants us to be His vessel to reach souls and we can only do that if we stand united.
This should be the industry’s motto:
If you are on the outside looking in pray for the Christian Music industry, the enemy knows we as whole can do great things and is doing everything to destroy us, slow us down and just cause us strife.