Backstage with Mothership
Monday 8 PM EST
Backstage with Mothership
Monday 8 PM EST
Spotlighting Young Musicianary Jenna Parr on Backstage
This week I am spotlighting a new artist in the Rock community. Twenty-one year old Jenna Parr, from my home state of Georgia, has catapulted into the industry. She...
Matt Baird Shares About the Ministry of Spoken on Backstage
My guest this Monday is my good friend, Matt Baird of Spoken. Matt is one of the hardest working and kindest musicians I know. If he isn’t...
Ahoy! Rusty Shipp On Nautical Rock ‘N’ Roll on Backstage
Russ T. Shipp, frontman for the award-winning Nautical Rock 'n' Roll band Rusty Shipp joins me this week. We will talk about their game-changing concept album Liquid Exorcist. Rusty...
Industrial Groove Metal With Jason Wisdom of Death Therapy’
Atlanta native, Jason Wisdom of Death Therapy will join me Monday to talk about industrial groove metal, what the band is all about, the meaning behind the music, and...
Sarah Anthony Discusses The Letter Black Comeback’
This Week's Guest Sarah Anthony
This Monday, August 17th from 8-9 PM Eastern, join me with my guest Sarah Anthony of The Letter Black. The band debuted their album Hanging...
About Backstage with Mothership
You may have seen her at concerts jamming out beside you, but there is so much more to this music fanatic. She is a mother to many bands, taking care of their on the road needs. She is the co-founder of The Grizzly Awards and on the booking team for the CVJM Loud and Proud Festival in Germany.
Join us every Monday night 8-9 PM EST for Backstage with Mothership and hear stories from the road, her ministry, interviews and best of all some great music! Only on Solid Rock Radio
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